I guess I can start from the beginning...
As a person one dreams of starting a family; a healthy Normal family. One that consists of children who are healthy and without any concerns or issues. You know that perfect family with two children and their dog standing in front of a well manicured house with a white picket fence.
On that note, one thing we could not foretell in our dream family was that my eldest son has Apraxia. Yes that's right APRAXIA; uh-prak-see-uh, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/apraxia?s=ts
This was something very strange and new to us. We did not picture this in our dream family, but who does? However, my dreams did come true because I am a very blessed woman with a loving husband and two wonderful, energy handsome, energetic, determined boys who challenges me everyday.
Isaiah, our eldest boy, was born in 2008 after a very long and difficult delivery; both for him and I.
I was in labour for a VERY, VERY long time. It felt like an eternity or close to it; it was around 30 hours of very hard labour but I am sure there are other woman out there who can beat me with their labour times.
He was an emergency C-section because his heart rate was dropping while I was pushing. Also in the delivery room the doctors had a hard time pulling him out because his head was stuck. Besides that hard journey into this world Isaiah is a normal energetic boy except he couldn't talk.
He was and still is a very late talker. At a young age he would babble non-stop. He started as early as a couple of months old with his babbling so for sure we thought he would naturally be an early talker. But then at the age of one he could only say a couple of words. Then at age two he would say those same words and not really anymore. That was when we knew there was something more to him than just being a late talker. We would go to the park and see other kids, who were the same age, talking up a storm with their parents. What heartbreak. My heart would sink. How I hoped and prayed that Isaiah would also be talking like them.
Another couple of month went by and he still wasn't at his age level for speaking. We knew we needed to get him assessed. There was something more to it than Isaiah being a late talker.
To be cont...
Excited to read about your boys and your journey with them!